The generator in Brother Barbeau's Hatz Biplane is having "issues." Our good friend, Les Kanna, of Unity Airfield fame, has a buddy that is a generator wizard. His schedule was free Wednesday afternoon. If we could meet him at Les' place at 4 PM, he'd take a look at the generator.
The temperature at departure time was in the mid thirties. Brother Baker had to bundle up! I handled the radio calls from the relative warmth of the Luscombe: "Rock Hill traffic, Luscombe One One Four Three Bravo, flight of two, departing Runway Two Zero, Rock Hill. . ."
The Wizard said: "Yep, it's busted. Pull it off and I'll take back to the shop."
Twilight arrival at Jellystone Air Park. . . Left Base, Runway Two Zero.
We found this note when we were putting the airplane to bed.
OK - My car temp says it is 36 degrees on the ground & youz - guyz are out flying an open Bi-Plane.
U R Certified
Gardy Wilson