Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Who needs a change in latitude?

There's a reason the number one guy on the MD-88 in New York bids West Palm Beach, Florida layovers in February.  He's sick and tired of all the snow!

I was in Miami for 46 minutes last week---a painfully short period of time.  After deicing for twenty-five minutes at LaGuardia, and then bucking one hundred knot headwinds for three and a half hours there was absolutely zero chance I was letting the first officer do the walk around---even if it was only 65 degrees outside.  (A cold front had just pushed through.)  I would have preferred eighty degrees, but at this point in the season, I'll take what I can get, which, by the way, was sixty degrees warmer than it was in New York.  "Junior; I'll get the walk around, you program the FMS."

During the walk around a couple of things caught my eye.   First; the folks on the ramp were all bundled up.  Heavy winter jackets seem out of place in Miami.  Second; and not nearly as funny, the #4 main landing gear tire looked low.  I stared at both; pondering our fate.  What if there are no MD-90 tires in south Florida. . .  And we get to stay here in Miami. . .  And all the layover hotels are full. . .  And they send us out to that cool old hotel on the beach. . .  The bubble burst when the mechanic said:  "Just a loose valve stem, Captain.  We'll have it pumped back up in no time."

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