Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The View From 2,500 Feet

Brother Barbeau and I went Hatzing yesterday.  Our original plan was to head over to York, South Carolina and pay our respects to the slushy machine at the Bush-N-Vine Produce Stand.  But we dilly-dallied around, and by time we were all squared away the density altitude was pushing 1,900 feet.  We decided to skip the slushy machine and just cruise around for a while.  Something the Hatz does well---at 95 mph.

Gary had the stick for the first half of our adventure to nowhere.  We climbed on a southwesterly heading and eventually leveled off at 2,500 feet.  The air temperature was perfect.  I know what you are thinking: Shouldn't that be outside air temperature?  We're talking open cockpit biplane.  By default; it's outside.  Shortly after level off I caught a glimpse of a northeast bound airliner.  It was way up there in the flight levels.  My first thought was:  Hey!  Normally I'm the guy at the pointy end of the contrail!  I snapped a picture.  I can't tell you how many times I have looked down from that position . . . hoping to catch a glimpse of a Pontiac Red and Sun Valley Ivory Hatz biplane, or a blue and polished silver Luscombe, on that ten mile stretch between the Bush-N-Vine Produce Stand and Jellystone Air Park.

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